Fans Spotlight April 14, 2020 Stewart Coley Music Murphy's On The Beach ~ 10/1/23 T-Shirt Mike-Mays Mike-in-Curacao Mike-in-Dushi Lorrie C in NC Chris C In NC Josh R in Iceland Travis in New Hampshire Karlene O in NC Tim K in Boone, NC Sheila in Lexington, NC Shelby in NC IMG 7968 Travis and Amy Mann Russ B. In Mt Airy, NC Bud B. in Nashville, TN Tommy M. - Greensboro, NC Machelle D. -California Steve P. - Winston-Salem, NC (1) Tommy M. - Greensboro,NC Sherrill and Josh Rick in Stokesdale, NC Bud from Archdale, NC Melissa C. in Kure Beach, NC Candy_In_Rutherfordton,_NC Don Ferree in Colorado